San Jose Partner, Vincent Galvin, Jr., has been selected as a 2008 Who's Who in Silicon Valley by the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal. Vince will get special recognition in an issue of the publication, and will be honored at a dinner reception on May 8th. This award is given to accomplished top executives in the Silicon Valley area.
Minneapolis Partner, Ryan L. Nilsen, will be recognized as one of 25 named 2008 Up & Coming Attorneys by Minnesota Lawyer at a May 8 reception. Ryan will also be featured in a special section of this newspaper. This award is reserved for attorneys who have distinguished themselves during their first 10 years of practice, and have demonstrated leadership, professional accomplishment and service to the legal community.
Detroit Associate, Nicholas G. Even, was awarded the 2008 Golden Gavel Award by the Michigan Defense Trial Counsel association. This award is given to young lawyers who have been in practice for 10 years or less, and have demonstrated that they are accomplished in the areas of professionalism, community involvement/pro bono activities, leadership of other young attorneys, and achievement in their practice.