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February 2012

Bowman and Brooke Claims 2nd Largest Product Liability Group Title by Law360

The saying goes that "second is the best," so we are pleased to announce that Law360 has ranked Bowman and Brooke LLP the second largest product liability practice group with our 176 attorneys nationwide. While the largest firm took the number one spot with nearly 100 more attorneys, Bowman and Brooke was highlighted for retaining a widespread roster of product liability attorneys in each of our nine offices, proving that size doesn't always equate success. Over one hundred firms filled out a survey, outlining their total number of attorneys practicing in the product liability arena. Bowman and Brooke not only took second for largest product liability attorneys, but also took second in the highest concentration of product liability lawyers, weighing in at 97%. Executive Managing Partner Vincent Galvin Jr. is quoted in the article, touting our significant growth in lawyers over the past five years. Read the full Law360 article here.


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