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April 18, 2013

Law360 Reports Directed Verdict in BMW $5M Airbag Case

The case is Susana H. Sara et al. v. BMW of North America LLC et al., case number CV2009-025065, in the Superior Court for the State of Arizona, County of Maricopa.

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An Arizona judge on Wednesday issued a directed verdict in favor of BMW of North America LLC in a $5 million suit blaming allegedly defective airbags for a driver's severe injuries suffered during a high-speed collision.

Phoenix partner Paul Cereghini, who led the trial team, told Law360 that on cross-examination even the plaintiffs' biochemical expert admitted that the vehicle was safe and the side impact head protection saved the plaintiff's life.

“BMW was the first motor vehicle manufacturer to introduce this important side impact head protection technology,” Cereghini told Law360. “The trial established that BMW's vehicle was safe and defect free and that its head protection airbag worked as designed to enable Mrs. Sara to survive a very severe crash.”

Read the Law360 report.



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