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September 23, 2015

Volunteer Spotlight: Ashleigh Wilson Contributes to SCBA Young Lawyers Division Success

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In true Bowman and Brooke fashion, Columbia Associate Ashleigh Wilson has taken on multiple leadership roles within organizations committed to improving the community and legal profession. She volunteers extensively with the South Carolina Bar Association in several capacities, serving as a board member of the Young Lawyers Division (YLD) and co-chair of the Color of Justice Committee.

As a direct result of Ashleigh's dedication, the South Carolina Bar Association YLD swept the 2014 – 2015 ABA YLD Awards of Achievement, receiving first place recognition within their division in every award category including Diversity, Service to the Public and Comprehensive Programming.

Ashleigh greatly contributed to the Color of Justice's "So you want to be a lawyer?" program, which was one of the programs recognized in the Comprehensive Award category. The program allows middle and high school students of color to meet judges, practicing attorneys, law students and law school faculty to gain information about legal careers and the daily life of lawyers. Last year, the YLD expanded the Color of Justice program to include a college roadshow. With this expansion, the Committee became more equipped to aid minority college students with the tools necessary to pursue a career in law, and consequently, increasing diversity within the profession.

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